Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
ZA first phone 2.0
ZA loves to play with her toy phone which come with the push walker. The phone got smashed when she threw it down on to the road and some car ran through it. So mommy got her a new phone, a Fisher Price phone with sounds now:). She love it even more.....
Monday, December 6, 2010
Incy wicy spider when up the SOLSTA_OLARP
There is time when level playing field is not so fun any more. I guess now is time to indulge with vertical curiosity. Daddy can't wait to introduce you to the great outdoor adventure. Your Teva and Deuter are waiting for you :)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Mars Walk... the Moon Walk killer
Yeah.... Walk baby walk...
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
A blur photo

Alhamdulillah Daddy is still young* and strong to chase you around.....
*As Special Agent Oso said; more or less :)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Circa October 2010

At the end of her 9th month, ZA already develops her 'sumo' stance. This standing posture reminds Daddy of E.Honda from Streetfighter
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
ZA first baby contest :)
Daddy have to say Yeah!!! when they decided not to do any facebook voting!! Below is an announcement over this matter:-
Dear Valued Customers & Participants for,
With regards to the matter above; kindly be informed that we received complains on participants exchanging votes with other participants from other contest. This has caused some of the votes for some participants increase tremendously over a short period. Due to this issues, Facebook International has received complaints from other pages and has issue few warnings to us and forced us to close down this page.
We would like to announce that few participants have been disqualified due to this reason despite numerous warning has been sent. And to be fair to other participants; there are needs to change the voting mechanism as we realized that the there are still others voters from other contest inviting the participants to exchange votes for each contest in the Facebook page.
Submission for the contest will remain ending in September 2010, as for the voting period, it has been change to start on 1st October 2010 onwards and extended to November 2010. And voting mechanism has been changed to registration via email to entitle for registration. Please find enclosed the details for the voting mechanism.
To view all the participants and their details, kindly visit the below link:-
To vote, kindly follow these steps:-
Step 1: visit
by sending an email to: with this number as the subject: 16942
Step 2: Enter your email address to register.
Step 3: Check your email for link and click at it.
Step 4: Choose the Baby ID and click "done"
Please take note that we are very concern on the fairness of the contest and these steps are required. We sincerely hope that all the customer and participants understand our predicament.
Thank you.
Louis Tan.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
"Bebek" dress???

ZA got a lot of attention by wearing this dress. Several ppl keep calling this dress a "Bebek". So daddy thought was "Oh, there is a name for this dress. It is called Bebek but is it an English or Malay term?". After googling daddy found out that the correct term is actually Bare-Back... {sigh}
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Swimming 101

At first ZA was afraid of the water. After few "push" by mommy and daddy, she is hooked :). Daddy wants her to be a good swimmer. Daddy will be her personal trainer.
Friday, August 27, 2010
One hand still

ZA still needs one of her hand to support her while standing but she is trying not to. She is a one brave lil girl which is a direct opposite of her faint of heart daddy. Daddy will always get a mild heart attack every time she falls.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Is ZA gonna follow suit daddy as an IT dept people? She seems to like playing with laptop. Daddy already bought her a toy laptop but that doesn't do it for her. She knows that the toy is just a decoy and still insist on Daddy's real laptop. You smart lil girl you....
Approve Carrier by Daddy:-
Michelin Tyre New Logo ( look at her hands and legs )
Dislike Carrier by Daddy:-
Reality Show Contestant
Dummy CEO/Proxy
Microsoft Evangelist
Bye-Bye Cabrio and Say Hello to Dori

ZA has already out grown her Maxi-Cosi Cabrio. So she gets a new seater; Maxi-Cosi Dori. Previously daddy had problem with the Dori color schemes but it turned out to work nicely when ZA use it :)
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Burps like a rock star

One question remains unanswered is when do we really stop to burp ZA? One rule of thumb is to wait until the baby can seat up right. Another suggests that to wait until the babies can burp by themselves. ZA can seat-up by her self but we have not notice any automagic burp from her yet. By combining these 2 old tale requirements, does ZA still need the burp support?
p/s: ZA loves home cook meals compared to process foods that come in a jar or can. You rock girl! We love you!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Standing Ovation
* pardon daddy's video editing skillz. This is his 1st ever!!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Chasing the Bad ROSE out

Unfortunately there is no known prescribe medication for Roseola Infantum. Fortunately all there is to it is the fever management. So what is fever management? To mommy and daddy it is the T.L.C. So what is T.L.C? T.L.C stands for Tender Loving Care :). Today is mommy time!
Since yesterday evening ZA can stand on her own. Did I say stand as in standing? Yes sure I did. She can stand on her feet by grabbing to whatever that she can reach; as a secondary support. I guess I better lower down the baby cot base before she knows how to climb.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The bad ROSE

ZA is infected by Roseola Infantum. In Malaysia this is know as "Campak Halus". Thus she is getting 2 days of daddy day care :). Although this viral infection is quite common for toddler between the age of 6 month - 2 years but it sure do gives mommy and daddy the creeps....and yeah, daddy do listen to Radiohead :)
Friday, July 30, 2010
Upright All Right!!!

We are proud of you Dearest ZA on your new acquired skill. You're now able to seat upright just like mommy and daddy. With this skill you are license to use the high chair and riding our mysterious 6th month b'day gift which is still being wrap in a box.
p/s: the initial plan was to do the cliche baby in the basket photo. But there is one tiny problem, ZA already out grown the little basket. Thus the above photo; PLAN B..LOL
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Hello Adik..

We had an close encounter with Adik through the technology of ultrasound. Adik was seen to be very actively cycling with his/her hands and legs. We took the opportunity to record Adik first heart rate. Below is a list of updated First Heart Rate of Anak-Anak Marjan.
1. ZA = 150 BPM
2. Adik = 141 BPM
There is a "midwives tale" which said that if the heart rate of a baby is over 140 BPM, the baby is a girl and if it is below 140 BPM, the baby is a boy... :)
Monday, July 12, 2010
Impromtu B'day Gift

Daddy and Mommy bought ZA a gift for her 6th Month B'day and for being an adorable little princess. The gift is one of the nice to have thing according to some parenting blogs. For the time being daddy gonna reserve the gift due to safety precaution. You can't simply give your Ferrari to your teenager can you?
Circa her 6th Month B'day, Aunty June bought her a polo-short-dress from Baby GAP. We love it!!!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Peek-A-Boo with ZA
ZA is now able to stand on her hands and knees. She also loves playing Peek-A-Boo. I guess the Malay version of Peek-A-Boo is "CAK".
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nutritional facts:-
1. Love 5kg
2. Milk 1kg
3. Vitamins A-Z 0.5 kg
4. Non-saturated friendly fats 0.5 kg
Monday, March 8, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
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